ICF Accredited
Coach Training
This is for you if you are looking to:
- Pursue personal transformation
- Become a coach
- Gain new leadership skills
What you will gain:
- Profound coaching skills – understand core fundamentals, tools and processes of professional executive coaching while integrating them with your business and leadership experience
- Real impact – enable sustainable results for your coachees through crucial insights
- Self development skills – extend your own self-awareness by being coached and by coaching others during the program
- The global Gold Standard of highest accredited Coaching diploma Level 2 by ICF with which you can easily get the ACC and PCC credential after your practice hours
Genau das Richtige für Sie wenn Sie Folgendes anstreben:
- Persönliche Weiterentwicklung
- Führungsqualitäten Ausbauen
Was Sie erwarten können:
- Tiefgründige Coaching-Fähigkeiten – Sie verstehen die wichtigsten Grundlagen, Instrumente und Prozesse des professionellen Executive-Coachings und integrieren diese mit Ihrer Geschäfts- und Führungserfahrung
- Echte Wirkung – Erzielen Sie nachhaltige Ergebnisse für Ihre Coachees indem Sie entscheidende Erkenntnisse ermöglichen
- Selbstentwicklung – erweitern Sie Ihre eigene Selbsterkenntnis, indem Sie coachen und gecoacht werden
- Das global höchst akkreditierte Level 2 Diplom von ICF, dass Ihnen den leichtest möglichen Zugang zu ACC und PCC Titel ermöglicht
In our online course you can develop your skill in coaching in an intensive way with twelve 3-hours online workshops, review of your recordings, deep practice and an essay. At the end of these 60 hrs, you will have your exam at ACC-level and the foundation for a personal accreditation with ICF as ACC. Twice a year, in April and October, you can start this deep 6-months journey with us!
Get inspired by learning about people and yourself. You will be intensively coached and coach others and tremendously develop, not only a new skill set but also yourself.
Our groups are great communities that will accompany you along the way together with your teaching coaches, who are real experts in their fields. You will enjoy being in regular contact with likeminded people. With us, you will even get a real pro bono client to test your skills, an International NGO leader, and thus support their good causes.
At the end of the course, you have the opportunity to decide to go one level deeper and continue your path to an Level 2 diploma. With this diploma you have an even easier access to your ACC credential after 100 hrs of practice and can even get your PCC credential with no further effort after another 400 hrs of practice. This “Upgrade to PCC” course runs twice each year and is a great additional choice open to you in case you fall in love with coaching like so many do.